Rapid deployment of integrated WebSphere solutions in your cloud

Rapid deployment of integrated WebSphere solutions in your cloud

Draft Redpaper, last updated: Wed, 19 Nov 2014

- Deploying an integrated WebSphere solution on PureApplication System
- Creating an integrated WebSphere solution in your cloud
- Capitalizing on the benefits of the cloud

This IBM® Redbooks® publication uses the same practical solution and is an extension to IBM Redbooks publication Creating integrated WebSphere® solutions using Application Lifecycle Management, SG24-8243-00.

Download the Redbook: Rapid deployment of integrated WebSphere solutions in your cloud

IBM Redbooks - Emrah Barkana / Antonella Bertoletti / Stefano Bussaglia / Ernest Calalang / Sebastian Kapciak / Leonardo Olivera / Fabio Silva / Sergio Polastri