The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for Websphere MQ and IBM MQ Series careers!
Over 150 Certification Questions, Answers, and Explanations
IBM Websphere MQ (Formerly MQ Series) in many ways started the multiplatform messaging revolution, and has now become an indispensable skill set for Information Technology professionals. From beginners looking for information to prepare for an interview, to project managers looking to screen candidates - this book will help you understand what you need to know about MQ, and what you can safely ignore. The book starts by providing an overview of WebSphere MQ architecture, describing the brand of technologies - and then provides a comprehensive set of questions, answers, and explanations that will allow the reader to quickly understand the most important issues in IBM MQ.
This book is for readers who must absolutely land their next job in MQ Series, and who want to improve their existing positions. Equity Press readers have a need for information they can use right now. Our series of IBM interview questions books is a direct answer to that need for instant information in the modern workplace. Our books are written by IBM practitioners and expert authors who have varied vast experiences in the world of information technology. If great careers begin with a good book, the best careers begin with Equity Press.
Key topics include: Operation and Maintenance, Interaction with DB2, Security and Authentication, Tips & Tricks
Format: Kindle Edition
Dateigröße: 217 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 212 Seiten
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Sprache: Englisch