IBM WebSphere Portal 7 customization scenario: Part 1, Customizing a menu portlet

This article was written based on IBM WebSphere Portal (hereafter called “Portal”) 7, and the portlet was tested on Portal 7 Fix Pack 2. It will be useful for Portal implementers who need to customize Portal 7 features, using an API or Service Provider Interface (SPI) to suit customer requirements, including customizing menu displays, portlets display on a page, user registration and the user management module. To get the most from this article, you should have basic understanding of Portal configuration and JavaTM Portlet Specification (JSR) portlet development.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Implementing
2.1 Configure Portal pages and parameters
2.2 Create Portal menu portlet
3 Conclusion
4 Resources
5 About the author

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