Making Better Decisions Using IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management

Making Better Decisions Using IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management

Decision management is emerging as an important capability for delivering agile business solutions. Decision management is not a solution in its own right, but must be integrated into the solutions or business processes that it supports.
In this IBM® Redpapers™ publication, we describe the recommended best practices and integration concepts that use the business events, business rules, and other capabilities of IBM WebSphere® Operational Decision Management V7.5 (WebSphere ODM) to provide better decision making in those solutions and business processes.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Decision management overview
Chapter 2. Development process overview
Chapter 3. Decision design
Chapter 4. Situation identification and response development
Chapter 5. Detect-Decide-Respond pattern design
Chapter 6. Business process design with rules and events
Chapter 7. Managing decision changes across rules, events, and processes

Download the redbook here.

Redpaper, published: Thu, 5 Apr 2012

IBM Redbooks - Duncan Clark / Pierre Berlandier