• Evaluate: IBM WebSphere MQ

    Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

    Download WebSphere MQ V7.5. WebSphere MQ messaging products make it easy for applications to exchange information between IBM and non-IBM platforms, even if the target program is not running. They assure delivery of messages, and address network interfaces, communications protocols, and recovery after system problems.

  • Invoking a process deployed in IBM Business Process Manager V7.5 using WebSphere MQ

    Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

    This article walks you through the steps required to integrate WebSphere MQ with IBM Business Process Manager V7.5. The integration is illustrated using a process invoked by a message sent through MQ. This kind of integration may be useful in situations in which a business process needs to be invoked when an event occurs in any disparate system not directly integrable through adapter frameworks, and requires some sort of middleware to exchange data.

  • Building Smarter Planet Solutions with MQTT and IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry

    Montag, 9. Juli 2012

    MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a messaging protocol that is lightweight enough to be supported by the smallest devices, yet robust enough to ensure that important messages get to their destinations every time. With MQTT devices such as smart energy meters, cars, trains, satellite receivers, and personal health care devices can communicate with each other and with other systems or applications.

  • IBM® MQ Series® and Websphere MQ® Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: Unofficial MQ Series® Certification Review [Kindle Edition]

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for Websphere MQ and IBM MQ Series careers!

    Over 150 Certification Questions, Answers, and Explanations

  • Transaction traceability of enterprise files, data, and applications: Part 1: Scenario overview: Integrating IBM Sterling Connect:Direct with WebSphere MQ

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    Enterprises both large and small need to process various types of files and connect them to disparate and distributed applications spread across enterprise data centers. As the underlying infrastructure gets more dispersed and complex, it becomes a challenge to gain end-to-end visibility of transactions that involve files, data transformations, connectivity logic, protocol conversions, and final data posted to different applications.

  • Customizing file transfers using Ant scripts with WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition

    Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

    This article shows you how to use Ant scripts and Java classes to customize WebSphere MQ FTE to automatically transfer new and modified files from a source folder to a destination folder, and ensure that files in source and destination folders are always synchronized as efficiently as possible.

  • New: MQ Visual Edit v1.5.5

    Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012

    "Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Visual Edit v1.5.5.  This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Visual Edit."

  • XebiaLabs veröffentlicht Deployit 3.7 mit neuen Features

    Dienstag, 24. April 2012

    (PresseBox) Wiesbaden, 24.04.2012, Boston, Mass / 19. April 2012: XebiaLabs veröffentlicht mit Deployit 3.7 eine neue Version seiner bahnbrechenden Application Release Automation Plattform. Die auf patentierten Algorithmen basierte Anwendung Deployit 3.7 verändert die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen ihre Software auf Middleware und Cloud-Umgebungen deployen. Sie sichert fehlerfreies und schnelles Deployment von Anwendungen und erzielt dadurch eine bedeutende Verringerung des Time-to-Market für Ihre geschäftskritischen Anwendungen.

  • Using the Dead Letter Queue Handler in WebSphere MQ

    Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

    Websphere MQ provides the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) Handler Utility to process undelivered messages, and it can be implemented as a server service object, or triggered whenever a message appears on the DLQ. This article shows you how to implement it both ways in order to help manage messaging with WebSphere MQ.

  • MIOsoft Deutschland GmbH

    Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

    1998 in Madison, Wisconsin/USA gegründet, ist MioSoft® Spezialist für parallele und verteilte Daten-Systeme, Datenverarbeitungs-Tools und Daten Services. Neben der Zentrale in USA, ist MioSoft auch in Deutschland und China mit eigenen Niederlassungen vertreten.

    MioSoft bietet ein BI-Tool für WebSphere MQ Nachrichten.

    Der miocon® WebSphere MQ Queue-Analyzer ermöglicht das Analysieren der Nachrichten in einer Queue:

    ► Sind die empfangenen oder gesendeten Daten Schnittstellen konform?
