In this article you will learn how to deploy, configure and use the Blueworks Live OSLC adapter, so that you can link project artifacts in to the business processes documented in Blueworks Live. By deploying this adapter your development teams can easily find the related business process, and thus build a better understanding of the requirements. In turn they're enabled to build better software that supports the business.
This article explains the transactional behavior of WebSphere SAP Adapter when used with IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Integration Bus. It also describes the transactional use of WebSphere SAP Adapter functions such as Wait on Commit, and Reset Property.
Learn about working with the JD Edwards® Adapter or Connector on different runtimes, such as WebSphere® Message Broker, WebSphere Business Process Manager, WebSphere Cast Iron Appliance, and WebSphere Cast Iron Live.
This article describes how you can dynamically connect a new schema when moving from one environment to another by enabling IBM WebSphere Adapter for JDBC to pick up the database schema name for tables at runtime.
This article shows you how to configure SAP to enable SSO token generation, including how to log in into different SAP systems via the WebSphere SAP Adapter, and how to pass an SSO token dynamically back to the WebSphere SAP Adapter.
Die Integration von Software ist weiterhin ein hochaktuelles Thema, wie die diesjährige Impact-Veranstaltung deutlich zeigt. Mit über 8.000 Teilnehmern kamen in diesem Jahr rund 2.000 mehr als im Vorjahr, das auch bereits ein Rekordergebnis aufweisen konnte. „SOA hat sich heute durchgesetzt, 84 Prozent der Global-1000-Unternehmen benutzen es“, sagte Nancy Pearson.