• XebiaLabs verzeichnet Rekordgewinne

    Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

    BOSTON, MA -- Februar 2013 / XebiaLabs, der führende Anbieter von Deployment Automation Lösungen verkündet für das Jahr 2012 ein Rekordwachstum und weist dabei auf die enorme Nachfrage nach Unternehmens-Lizenzen für das Flaggschiff Deployit hin.

    Die von XebiaLabs angebotene Software-Lösung Deployit bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, ihre Deploymentprozesse vollständig zu automatisieren. Deployit sorgt dabei für effiziente Deployments in Middleware-Umgebungen und bietet hierfür zusätzlich fertige Deployment-Logik für...

  • Developing Web Applications using JavaServer Pages and Servlets

    Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication illustrates how to develop Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications using JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EE servlet technology, and static HTML pages. IBM Rational® Application Developer can help you work with these technologies, and a Redbank example is used to guide you through its features. This paper is intended for web developers interested in Java development.

  • IBM System x punktet im Leistungstest

    Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

    Stuttgart-Ehningen - 23 Jul 2012: IBM gibt die Ergebnisse eines aktuellen SPECjbb2005 Benchmarks bekannt: Der IBM System x3750 M4-Server überzeugt im Benchmark: Die x3750 ist das schnellste 4-Sockel x86 System in diesem Vergleich. SPECjbb (Java Server Benchmark) bewertet die Leistung von Servern, auf denen Java-Anwendungen laufen.

  • Developing Web Services Applications

    Freitag, 20. Juli 2012

    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication introduces the concept of a service-oriented architecture (SOA). The intended audience is web developers interested in SOA. It explains how to realize this type of an architecture using the following Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE 6) web services specifications:

    • Java Specification Request (JSR) 224: Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.2
    • JSR 311: Java API for RESTful Web Services 1.1 (JAX-RS)
  • WebSphere Application Server V8.5: Technical Overview Guide

    Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

    IBM® WebSphere® Application Server is the leading software foundation for service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications and services for your enterprise. With IBM WebSphere Application Server, you can build business-critical enterprise applications and solutions and combine them with innovative new functions. The WebSphere Application Server family includes and supports a range of products that helps you develop and serve your business applications. These products make it easier for clients to build, deploy, and manage dynamic websites and other more complex solutions...

  • Evaluate: WebSphere Application Server Community Edition

    Montag, 9. Juli 2012

    WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition is a pre-integrated, lightweight Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) application server built on Apache Geronimo technology. Available at no charge, it harnesses the latest innovations from the open source community to deliver a readily accessible and flexible foundation for developing and deploying Java applications.

  • WebSphere Application Server Administration Using Jython

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    Save Time and Money: Streamline WebSphere Application Server Management with Jython Scripting! Utilizing Jython scripting, you can dramatically reduce the effort, resources, and expense associated with managing WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere Application Server Administration Using Jython will show you how.

  • IBM Extensions for Memory Analyzer for WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus

    Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012

    This article describes the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus extensions to Memory Analyzer, and shows you how to analyze operating system level dumps or portable heap dumps from a WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus solution.

  • Websphere Application Server 7.0 Administration Guide

    Montag, 11. Juni 2012

    This book is an example-driven tutorial that introduces you to the WebSphere application server and then takes you through all the major aspects of server configuration. It covers everything you need to deploy and tune your applications for best performance. This book is for administrators with some experience in Java who want to get started with WebSphere. Existing WebSphere users will also find this book useful, especially as there are so many new features in the new version. No previous knowledge of WebSphere is assumed.

  • Developing Web Applications using JavaServer Faces

    Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication introduces the features, benefits, and architecture of JavaServer Faces (JSF), a framework that simplifies building user interfaces for web applications. It includes an example application using JSF, with persistence implemented in the Java Persistence API (JPA).
