• "PureSystems": die neuen von der IBM

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    "IBM kündigt heute seine "PureSystems" an, die sich über "Patterns of Expertise" besonders leicht für den jeweiligen Einsatzzweck konfigurieren lassen sollen."

  • Manage the topology with virtual system patterns

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    In the IBM PureApplication System environment, a virtual system pattern is the critical element that allows a user to rapidly set up and manage the cloud middleware topology; a virtual system pattern describes a middleware topology and employs the tools to automatically build that topology in the cloud. IBM PureApplication System virtual system patterns are the captured essence of years of infrastructure-management experience and best practices. Virtual system patterns encapsulate repeatable topology definitions based on various middleware images and runtime configurations; they give you...

  • Create and customize virtual application patterns

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    Platform as a Service virtual application patterns are realized by supporting a combination of application-centric deployment models, virtual applications (consisting of individual components and policies), the infrastructure and middleware they employ, and workload-specific content -- extensions or "plug-ins" that define components, links, and policies used to describe and deploy virtual application patterns, such as those usable on both the IBM SmartCloud Enterprise cloud and IBM PureSystems. This article explains how to get started with the IBM Workload Plug-in Development...

  • Automate your virtual cloud appliance onto IBM PureFlex System

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    IBM PureFlex System is a cloud-ready, expert, integrated system that brings together the infrastructure and application layer with proven patterns. PureFlex System can be specifically optimized to meet specific needs, providing all of the infrastructure elements required to run your workloads in a single system. To further the IBM PureFlex System advantage with a speedy time-to-deployment, there is the IBM Virtual Appliance Factory toolkit that automates the deployment of your cloud appliance -- your application along with the appropriately configured operating system and middleware --...

  • Manage application services with virtual application patterns

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    In the IBM PureApplication System environment, a virtual application pattern is the critical element that allows a user to rapidly set up and manage cloud application infrastructure; a virtual application pattern describes an application, and employs the tools to build the appropriate infrastructure for the application and then deploys the application to that infrastructure. IBM PureApplication System virtual application patterns are the captured essence of years of application-infrastructure-deployment experience and best practices. Virtual application patterns encapsulate optimized...

  • Preparing for IBM PureApplication System, Part 1: Onboarding applications overview

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    This article series helps you understand how to prepare for and maximize the value of IBM PureApplication System in your organization from an application-centric point of view. Part 1 highlights the PureApplication System capabilities as they relate to the application lifecycle. The article also helps you identify and onboard your existing applications as workloads. Think of this article as your roadmap to guide you through the rest of the series.

  • Preparing for IBM PureApplication System, Part 3: Choosing a database option

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    Part 3 of the article series introduces the integrated DB2 database formats that are found in IBM PureApplication System. It describes the different forms of DB2 found in PureApplication System, helps you decide which forms to choose in different situations, and covers some of the recommended best practices using DB2 inside PureApplication System.

  • Preparing for IBM PureApplication System, Part 2: Is your application ready to become virtual?

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    Part 2 of this article series examines how you can decide which deployment option is best suited for your particular application.

  • Preparing for IBM PureApplication System, Part 5: Developing virtual application patterns for IBM Workload Deployer with Rational Application Developer

    Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

    Part 5 of this article series shows how to combine the software development features of IBM Rational Application Developer with the virtual application pattern assembly capabilities of IBM Workload Deployer to develop cloud applications. With Workload Deployer, you can assemble virtual application patterns consisting of Java EE enterprise applications, Web applications, OSGi applications, and other types of components. However, as an application developer, it is predominantly the source code of the components of the pattern you need to work with the most. The latest integrated features...
