• Secure restore for WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances

    Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

    This article describes best practices for the secure restore function for WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances, focusing on activities immediately after restoring an appliance.

  • Secure backup-restore for WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances

    Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

    This article describes the secure backup-restore function for WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances (first available in 3.8.1), including device preparation and detailed implementation steps. With DataPower secure backup-restore, you can perform a full-box backup of a DataPower device configuration, and then restore the image to a compatible device. Benefits of secure backup-restore include disaster recovery, workarounds for device problems, and copying a configuration from one device to other devices in the same environment. Backup files are encrypted, and can either be stored locally or...

  • Methods for resetting IBM WebSphere Portal portlet views

    Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

    This article explains how to reset portlet views with multiple frameworks (Java Specification Request, IBM Web Content Manager, and JavaServer Faces), along with examining how the theme impacts the process and can be used to reset the state. Also, we examine how the various themes (Portal standard, Portalweb2, PB2) can be modified to achieve the desired results.

  • Developing WebSphere Application Server Communication Enabled Application (CEA) widgets

    Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

    The Communication Enabled Application (CEA) Dojo widgets that were first released in the IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for Communication Enabled Applications and in IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 are now available in source code format as samples for creating your own CEA widgets. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to rebuild the widgets for whatever version of Dojo you need, and customize them to suit your application requirements. This article describes general CEA concepts and explains how you can use these widgets as a starting point for your own...

  • Configuring Secure Network Communication (SNC) between SAP systems and clients using WebSphere Adapter for SAP Software V7.5

    Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

    Learn how to set up SNC between SAP systems and clients using WebSphere Adapter for SAP Software V7.5. This article describes SNC configuration at the SAP server end and shows you how to exchange the keys between the SAP and client systems.

  • Integrating secure ATM banking systems using WebSphere Message Broker

    Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

    Bank ATM card data requires very high security and is processed using special security appliances and software protocols. This article shows you how to use WebSphere Message Broker to process secure bank ATM card data by integrating two well-known security systems: Host Security Module (HSM), and IST/Switch.

  • Making web services enterprise-ready

    Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

    This article describes how you can make your web services enterprise-ready using the WS-Atomic Transaction (WS-AT) protocols in conjunction with IBM WebSphere Application Server's unparalleled transaction, high availability, and failover support. Beginning with a close look at the protocol itself and the WebSphere Application Server specifics (when running a web services client or the web services provider), the article will depict the optimizations that are being used when both client and service provider use WebSphere Application Server as the runtime platform, and show you how to...

  • Integrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale transactions with other transactions

    Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

    IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale is a powerful product for scalable high-speed storing and processing of data. WebSphere eXtreme Scale itself is transactional but is often used with other software products that are also transactional. Integrating these transactions, especially integrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale into an XA (global) transaction, can be far from trivial. This article explains two techniques for integrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale and other transactional products so that work for all can be reliably committed in a single transaction that follows ACID principles. Sample code for...

  • Comment lines: Step into the Swing era

    Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

    A graphical user interface (GUI) can add a welcome level of usability to a Jython wsadmin script for IBM WebSphere Application Server, but actually adding a GUI to a script can seem like more work than it should be. This article shows that it can be easier to add a GUI using Swing than it might be to do the same thing using Java.

  • Understanding connection transitions: Avoiding multi-threaded access to a JCA connection in WebSphere Application Server

    Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

    IBM WebSphere Application Server JCA connection manager provides connection pooling and enables administrators to establish a pool of connections that can be shared by applications running on an application server. However, the sharing of a JCA connection across multiple threads by an application can result in various exceptions. This article describes some of the application coding practices that lead to connection sharing across multiple threads, and explains the multi-threaded detection capabilities provided by WebSphere Application Server.
