• Rapid deployment of integrated WebSphere solutions in your cloud

    Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

    Draft Redpaper, last updated: Wed, 19 Nov 2014

    - Deploying an integrated WebSphere solution on PureApplication System
    - Creating an integrated WebSphere solution in your cloud
    - Capitalizing on the benefits of the cloud

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication uses the same practical solution and is an extension to IBM Redbooks publication Creating integrated WebSphere® solutions using Application Lifecycle Management, SG24-8243-00.

  • XL Deploy

    Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

    Agentless Deployment Automation Solution

    Introduce Speed & Reliability to your Application Release Process

    Welcome to one-click deployment! XL Deploy is the #1 award-winning deployment automation solution to support DevOps and Continuous Delivery teams. With XL Deploy, you take the fast, easy route to seamless, end-to-end automated application delivery in the cloud and on premise. Start deploying 10x faster. XL Deploy also features out-of-the-box integration with all build, provisioning, middleware and cloud solutions.

  • XL Deploy Demo Slides

    Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014

    Am 10. Juni 2014 fand ein Webinar von XebiaLabs zum Thema "XL Deploy" statt. 

    Auf Slideshare können Sie sich die Folien zu diesem Webinar anschauen.

  • A demonstration of IBM BlueMix

    Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014

    This video shows a demonstration of IBM BlueMix, an environment for the quick creation, deployment, and management of applications in the cloud.

  • Webcast replay: Deployment Options of Server Components of IBM Decision Optimization Center

    Freitag, 6. Juni 2014

    This WebSphere Support Technical Exchange is designed to discuss the Server Components of IBM Decision Optimization Center.

    IBM Decision Optimization Center is offering additional deployment possibilities by offering server components. We provide guidelines for manual installations and customizations for server deployments. We also address some of the common issues encountered and discuss debugging techniques that can help resolve them. 

  • Increasing Resiliency for IBM WebSphere Application Server Deployments

    Montag, 12. August 2013

    This IBM Redpaper publication explains information technology (IT) practices that can interfere with IBM WebSphere Application Server deployments. These practices were observed by the IBM WebSphere Application Server SWAT team while assisting IBM clients in recent engagements. This paper provides examples that can give a better understanding of how and why these issues can occur and explains possible solutions. Understanding these practices can help provide increased resiliency for WebSphere Application Server deployments.
    The intended audience for this paper includes IT and...

  • 10 Steps to Improving your Deployment Process to IBM WebSphere®

    Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

    XebiaLabs hat viele Erfahrungen beim Deployen in komplexe IBM WebSphere-Umgebungen gesammelt und in diesem Whitepaper zusammengefasst.

    "At XebiaLabs, we have decades of accumulated experience deploying to complex IBM WebSphere environments. Based on this knowledge, we have collected a list of practices and recommendations that can help you improve your application deployment process to your WebSphere-based middleware stack."

  • XebiaLabs verzeichnet Rekordgewinne

    Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

    BOSTON, MA -- Februar 2013 / XebiaLabs, der führende Anbieter von Deployment Automation Lösungen verkündet für das Jahr 2012 ein Rekordwachstum und weist dabei auf die enorme Nachfrage nach Unternehmens-Lizenzen für das Flaggschiff Deployit hin.

    Die von XebiaLabs angebotene Software-Lösung Deployit bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, ihre Deploymentprozesse vollständig zu automatisieren. Deployit sorgt dabei für effiziente Deployments in Middleware-Umgebungen und bietet hierfür zusätzlich fertige Deployment-Logik für...

  • Introducing Deployit 3.8

    Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

    Slides for the "Introducing Deployit 3.8" webinar on Nov 27, 2012:

  • Managing the ReleaseBuilder deployment process for IBM WebSphere Portal

    Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

    ReleaseBuilder is a tool shipped with IBM WebSphere Portal that lets customers manage and deploy changes in a production environment. This white paper describes a bestpractice process and the steps therein that are required to manage a deployment process that depends on ReleaseBuilder. This process was developed using WebSphere Portal V7 but could easily be adapted to other versions of WebSphere Portal.
