• ARCHIVED: Pooled JVM in CICS Transaction Server V3

    Freitag, 26. Juni 2015

    NOTE: This book contains information about technologies that have been superseded and it is retained for historical purposes only.
    IBM CICS Transaction Server (CICS TS) has supported the deployment of Java applications since the 1990’s. In CICS TS V1.3 (1999), IBM introduced the 'Pooled JVM' style of JVM infrastructure within CICS TS. This infrastructure was designed to be similar in nature to that...

  • The Next Generation of Distributed IBM CICS

    Montag, 8. Juni 2015

    Redbook, published: 3 Juni 2015

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes IBM TXSeries® for Multiplatforms, which is the premier IBM distributed transaction processing software for business-critical applications. Before describing distributed transaction processing in general, we introduce the most recent version of TXSeries for Multiplatforms.

  • A Software Architect's Guide to New Java Workloads in IBM CICS Transaction Server

    Freitag, 23. Januar 2015


    This IBM® Redpaper Redbooks® publication introduces the IBM System z® New Application License Charges (zNALC) pricing structure and provides examples of zNALC workload scenarios. It describes the products that can be run on a zNALC logical partition (LPAR), reasons to consider such an implementation, and covers the following topics:

    Using the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile to host applications within an IBM CICS® environment and how it interacts with CICS applications and resources


  • Cloud Enabling IBM CICS

    Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014


    This IBM® Redbooks® publication takes an existing IBM 3270-COBOL-VSAM application and describes how to use the features of IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS®) Transaction Server (CICS TS) cloud enablement. Working with the General Insurance Application (GENAPP) as an example, this book describes the steps needed to monitor both platform and application health using the CICS Explorer CICS Cloud perspective.
    It also shows you how to apply threshold policy and measure resource usage, all without source code changes to the...

  • 5 minutes of smart: Using CICS and Worklight together to provide a strong backend for your mobile apps

    Montag, 6. Oktober 2014

    Mobile usage is central to the daily lives of many people in today's world. This growth of workload through mobile devices requires a strong backend in any IT system and CICS Transaction Server is that strong backend. CICS Transaction Server and IBM Worklight can easily help you bring your backend data to your mobile applications. This video demonstration shows how quick it is to set up CICS® Transaction Server and IBM® Worklight® in order for you to get up and running using CICS as the backend for your mobile devices to meet your business requirements.

  • Besuchen Sie die IBM WebSphere Technical University 2014!

    Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014

    Die europäische IBM WebSphere Technical University 2014, die vom 28. bis 31. Oktober in Düsseldorf stattfindet, bietet technische Fortbildung vom Feinsten zu WebSphere und Transaction & Messaging Themen. Das Programm umfasst Vorträge, Hands-on Workshops, Best-Practices Projekte und die neuesten Updates der WebSphere Produktstrategien - direkt aus den IBM Entwicklungs-Laboren und der weltweiten IMPACT-Konferenz in Las Vegas.

  • The Complete Guide to CICS Transaction Gateway Volume 1 Configuration and Administration

    Freitag, 22. August 2014

    Web Doc, published: Fri, 08 Aug 2014

    In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, you will gain an appreciation of the IBM CICS® Transaction Gateway (CICS TG) product suite, based on key criteria, such as capabilities, scalability, platform, CICS server support, application language support, and licensing model.

  • IBM CICS Performance Series: FiTeq Authenticator Benchmark

    Montag, 11. August 2014

    Redpaper, published: Mon, 11 Aug 2014

    - Performance and scalability benchmark methodology explained
    - Multiple configurations tested and the results compared
    - Benchmark driven to 8,000 CICS transactions per second

    FiTeq is an IBM® Business Partner that specializes in fraud prevention technologies for the payments industry.

    Download the Redpaper (pdf)

  • Ask the Experts Replay: Demystifying Event Processing in CICS

    Freitag, 6. Juni 2014

    This session unveils the mystery of CICS Event Processing and how organizations can use events to identify and react to situations as they occur. When changes are detected as they happen it can enable orgJoin anizations and their applications to respond in a timely fashion.

  • Aktuelles Wissen zur Großrechner-Welt: IBM System z Technical University, 10. - 14. Juni 2013 in München

    Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

    Neue Entwicklungstrends bei IBM System z-Mainframes
    Expertenvorträge zu Lösungen rund um zEnterprise, z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE und Linux on System z, Virtualisierung, Cloud Computing und IT-Sicherheit
    Erweiterter Softwareteil mit DB2, CICS, MQ, WebSphere, IMS und Cognos
