• Creating Applications in Bluemix Using the Microservices Approach

    Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015

    Microservices is an architecture style, in which large complex software applications are composed of one ore more microservices. Each microservice focuses on doing one task representing a small business capability. These microservices can be developed in any programming language and communicate with each other using language-agnostic APIs such as REST or messaging applications such as IBM MQ Light.
    This IBM Redbooks...

  • Creating Applications in Bluemix using the Microservices Approach

    Mittwoch, 12. August 2015


    Microservices is an architecture style, in which large complex software applications are composed of one ore more microservices. Each microservice focuses on doing one task representing a small business capability. These microservices can be developed in any programming language and communicate with each other using language-agnostic APIs such as REST or messaging applications such as IBM MQ Light. This IBM Solutions Guide gives a broad understanding of this increasingly popular architectural style and show how you can develop applications using the microservices...

  • IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality 2.0 Technical Overview

    Montag, 13. Juli 2015

    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication updated technical overview provides essential details about the data processing steps, message flows, and analytical models that power IBM Predictive Maintenance and Quality (PMQ) Version 2.0.
    The new version of PMQ builds on the first one, released in 2013, to help companies efficiently monitor and maintain production assets and improve their overall availability,...

  • IBM API Management - Erstellen, Teilen und Verwalten von APIs On Premise

    Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015

    IBM API Management stellt Unternehmen die Tools zur Erstellung, Proxy-Bildung, Assemblierung, Sicherung, Skalierung und zum Teilen der Web-APIs bereit. Diese Lösung verfügt über ein anpassungsfähiges Entwicklerportal und ermöglicht daher die Zusammenarbeit mit Anwendungsentwicklern, um für eine verstärkte Verwendung der veröffentlichten APIs zu sorgen. Dank des leistungsfähigen Administrationsportals von IBM API Management können Unternehmen ohne großen Aufwand Richtlinien für kritische API-Attribute wie Selbstregistrierung,...

  • IBM API Management Demo

    Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014


  • Why the growing API economy gives developers limitless opportunities

    Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014

    VentureBeat article: IBM Fellow and WebSphere CTO Jerry Cuomo shares his point of view on the evolution of the API economy and how it is influencing the development of today's apps.

  • IBM API Management V3.0 helps organizations easily promote business services as APIs to internal and external developer communities, while providing a self-service developer experience

    Montag, 16. Juni 2014

    To be a successful business and provide increased value to clients, employees, citizens, members, or patients, you need to continue to innovate while achieving cost optimization. To innovate while optimizing costs, you have an opportunity to expose key business services to business partners to drive new forms of collaboration, increase revenue opportunities, and provide higher value services to your customers. You can also expose your internal services to your internal developer communities, to drive application development consistency, reduce IT costs, and promote standard use of...

  • Integration Patterns

    Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

    Throughout the history of the IT industry, integration has been an important part of most projects. Integration of transactions, integration of data, or integration of processes have their own challenges and associated patterns and anti-patterns. In an age of mobile, social, and cloud, integration is more important than ever, but the scope of the challenge that is facing IT projects has changed. Partner application programming interfaces (APIs), social networks, physical sensors and devices, and many others are important sources of capability or insight. No longer is it sufficient to...

  • Exposing and Managing Enterprise Services with IBM API Management

    Dienstag, 29. April 2014

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides insight into what application programming interfaces (APIs) are and why they are important. It also provides insight into how to use IBM API Management to create, subscribe, and connect to APIs, how to secure and test APIs, and how to gain business value from APIs.

  • Customer enactment in WebSphere Commerce with APIs

    Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014

    IBM® WebSphere® Commerce provides APIs that allow administrators to perform customer enactment in the system. Learn how you can leverage these APIs to implement customer enactment in a Madisons store with little customization. The article also exposes the order locking concept and its behavior in the customer enactment flow.

    Download the document here.
