• High availability topologies for IBM PureApplication System

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    A frequent question from customers regarding IBM PureApplication System is "How do you set it up for high availability?" This article provides an overview and recommendations on this topic.

  • Designing event-driven business processes in IBM Business Process Manager

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.1 introduced new support for BPMN 2.0 event subprocesses. This powerful construct provides the capability to design a business process to be able to handle planned and exceptional events with the flexibility to process events that interrupt normal processing or that need to be processed in parallel to the main logic flow. In this article, you'll learn how to use the event subprocesses feature in IBM Business Process Manager to distribute and process business events both for a specific process instance and for a set of qualifying instances.

  • Configuring single sign-on to SAP systems using WebSphere Adapter for SAP Software

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    This article shows you how to configure SAP to enable SSO token generation, including how to log in into different SAP systems via the WebSphere SAP Adapter, and how to pass an SSO token dynamically back to the WebSphere SAP Adapter.

  • Monitoring the WebSphere J2C adapter polling thread in a WebSphere Process Server environment

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    Learn how to monitor the polling thread of a WebSphere J2C Architecture adapter deployed in a WebSphere Process Server environment. Often, customers want to know whether or not a WebSphere Adapter is polling an EIS system in their WebSphere Process Server production environment. The use of PMI metrics, common base event, tracing, and J2C message endpoint status techniques are discussed in this tutorial. Monitoring the status of the message endpoint is a powerful technique that can be used in all adapter polling scenarios to monitor the status of the polling thread.

  • Transaction traceability of enterprise files, data, and applications: Part 1: Scenario overview: Integrating IBM Sterling Connect:Direct with WebSphere MQ

    Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

    Enterprises both large and small need to process various types of files and connect them to disparate and distributed applications spread across enterprise data centers. As the underlying infrastructure gets more dispersed and complex, it becomes a challenge to gain end-to-end visibility of transactions that involve files, data transformations, connectivity logic, protocol conversions, and final data posted to different applications.

  • Productizing an approved UI design into a functional UI in IBM WebSphere Portal 8

    Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

    This article addresses the situation in which the look and feel of an IBM WebSphere Portal page is designed by a User Interface (UI) design expert, and the actual productization of these styles are done by the another developer. 

    The UI design expert prepares the styles---like Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS) or a sample HTML)--- per the UI specification and design, and these styles or sample HTML are then consumed by the developer to develop an actual, functional UI for a product. 

    The developer takes into account all the specific requirements of...

  • Basic guide for using IBM Web Experience Factory

    Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

    Learn how to use IBM Web Experience Factory 8; specifically, how to create a simple Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete (CRUD) portlet and how to add a filter to the portlet, using one or two input text or combo boxes. This white paper also explains the steps to add validation rules to the portlet and to add notifications to the portlet input form. We focus on the step-by-step process and provide images for all steps.

  • Understanding the IBM Eclipse HelpAdvisor Service in IBM WebSphere Portal Server

    Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

    IBM Eclipse HelpAdvisor Service (IEHS) is a customized portlet service in IBM WebSphere Portal Server. The service displays a Help topic in a pop-up window by using the Eclipse Help System Web Infocenter UI for JavaTM Specification Request (JSR) portlets. The topic is shown by use of the user's preferred locale from their WebSphere Portal user profile. 

    IEHS is composed of the following components:

    HelpAdvisor Service interface. Defines the functionality that the service will provide and extends the com.ibm.portal.service.PortletService...

  • Customizing file transfers using Ant scripts with WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition

    Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

    This article shows you how to use Ant scripts and Java classes to customize WebSphere MQ FTE to automatically transfer new and modified files from a source folder to a destination folder, and ensure that files in source and destination folders are always synchronized as efficiently as possible.

  • The benefits of using IBM Business Process Manager Advanced

    Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

    IBM Business Process Manager is provided in two major configurations: Business Process Manager Standard and Business Process Manager Advanced. The benefits of using Business Process Manager Standard are fairly well understood, but the incremental benefits of using Business Process Manager Advanced are not as well understood. This article is intended to address that situation.
