• Using the latest Jython with a WebSphere Application Server wsadmin thin client

    Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

    Current versions of IBM WebSphere Application Server ship with Jython v2.1, which is behind the most current release of Jython. Jython 2.5.2 (the current version as of this writing) has improved language features, libraries, and performance relative to Jython 2.1. Fortunately, WebSphere Application Server is designed in such a way that using the latest Jython is relatively straightforward. This article describes how to set up a wsadmin thin client to use the latest Jython for your wsadmin scripts. Using the wsadmin thin client configured with the latest Jython enables you to write...

  • Invoking a process deployed in IBM Business Process Manager V7.5 using WebSphere MQ

    Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

    This article walks you through the steps required to integrate WebSphere MQ with IBM Business Process Manager V7.5. The integration is illustrated using a process invoked by a message sent through MQ. This kind of integration may be useful in situations in which a business process needs to be invoked when an event occurs in any disparate system not directly integrable through adapter frameworks, and requires some sort of middleware to exchange data.

  • Configuring a WebSphere DataPower Kerberos-secured backend server

    Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

    This first in a 2-part article series de-mystifies the work required to set up a WebSphere DataPower configuration that uses a Kerberos-secured backend server. This first article describes how to create these configurations in a static fashion using the DataPower Web Graphical User Interface. Part 2 will describe how the DataPower custom stylesheet objects are used to configure a gateway to a Kerberos backend server in a more dynamic fashion.

  • Try IBM PureSystems. No charge.

    Freitag, 13. Juli 2012

    See for yourself how IBM is revolutionizing IT
    Discover for yourself the flexibility of expert integrated systems and the value of using repeatable, deployable, and proven patterns of expertise through two exclusive developer offerings.

  • Improving IBM Web Content Manager Personalization rule performance using Include Only

    Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

    When rules are created to retrieve IBM Web Content Manager (WCM) content from the repository, some of the rules can get rather complex and expensive. New in IBM WebSphere Portal version 7 is the ability to use the Include Only option when creating a Personalization (PZN) rule to select content.

  • Using the WebSphere DataPower Option for Application Optimization to demonstrate self-balancing across multiple DataPower appliances and intelligent load distribution to backend servers

    Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

    In this tutorial, you will learn two key features of WebSphere DataPower Option for Application Optimization: self-balancing and intelligent load distribution. The tutorial shows how to use the self-balancing feature to distribute loads across multiple DataPower appliances without the complexity of an external load balancer. It also demonstrates the intelligent distribution of workloads to backend WebSphere Application Server instances.

  • Transaction traceability of enterprise files, data, and applications: Part 2: Orchestrating WebSphere Message Broker flow to process IBM Sterling Connect:Direct file transfers

    Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

    This article series describes a scenario involving JK Financials, a fictitious bank that needs to gain end-to-end visibility over its integrated enterprise IT infrastructure. Part 2 shows you how to build a WebSphere Message Broker orchestration that correlates file arrival events in a WebSphere Message Broker flow, generates a unique ID to track file transfer details using monitoring tools, and computes a routing endpoint and protocol based on the file contents in the Sterling Connect:Direct file.

  • A practical approach to integrating JMS and IBM Business Process Manager

    Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

    In this article, you'll learn how to implement a Java Message Service (JMS) initiated Undercover Agent (UCA) with IBM Business Process Manager V7.5 to enable sending of JMS messages directly to the Business Process Manager Event Manager without any custom configuration. This approach provides an elegant way to implement an asynchronous method of invoking a business process in Process Center.

  • Develop patterns for IBM PureApplication System

    Montag, 9. Juli 2012

    During the process of implementing and validating real ISV business applications on the IBM PureApplication System, the authors gathered some best practices, tips, and how-tos for developing both virtual application patterns (VAPs) and virtual system patterns (VSPs). In this article, the authors share some of those secrets with virtual pattern developers to guide them through their pattern development process.

  • Evaluate: WebSphere Application Server Community Edition

    Montag, 9. Juli 2012

    WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition is a pre-integrated, lightweight Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) application server built on Apache Geronimo technology. Available at no charge, it harnesses the latest innovations from the open source community to deliver a readily accessible and flexible foundation for developing and deploying Java applications.
