6 Jahre WeDoWebSphere liegen hinter uns!
Bei vielen aufregenden Events waren wir dabei, haben spannende Interviews geführt, viele Videos produziert und unsere XING-Gruppe ist stark gewachsen.
"It’s not 'B-to-C.' It’s 'B-to-Me.' If you’re not making it meaningful for the customer, then you’ve already lost the game," notes Kevin Lyons, Senior VP/GM of e-Commerce with hhgregg. Mr. Lyons discusses how IBM Worklight helps hhgregg engage with clients on their choice of devices.
"Before introducing WorkLight, it was a little difficult for us to manage changes in processes..." --Diego Battaglia, project manager with CST Consulting
"Worklight gives you the platform for you to be responsive and flexible, and bring apps quickly to functionality and content quickly to the applications." -- Constantine Koutras, IT Director with Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions
Progressive city governments are increasingly providing their citizens the opportunity to make service requests via mobile app. In this animated video, you’ll follow Marci, a citizen of Smithville, through the process of making a request to repair a dangerous hole in the sidewalk.