IBM MobileFirst

Mobile Business Insights is an IBM-sponsored blog intended to provide you with thought-provoking content and a place to discuss significant issues. It is our hope that you will want to share some of the posts you read on this blog with your friends and peers. We feel that while this blog is not going to provide all of the final answers, it will give you an excellent starting point for conversations around mobile enterprise issues.
All postings represent the opinions of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies, or opinions. Contributors are not paid for their postings, although IBM employees are compensated by IBM as employees.

Letzte Blogeinträge

  • From the device to the experience — tapping into the true potential of mobile

    Mittwoch, 6. August 2014

    If there is one thing we now know about mobile it’s the following: it’s not a passing fad. There is no chance that a year or two from now businesses will be tossing their smart phones and tablets into the recycling bin and having employees retreat back to the days of the desktop phone.

  • IT departments: Take back control of your mobile channel!

    Mittwoch, 6. August 2014

    In the last two and a half years, I have visited many clients across Europe in which the IT department is not the provider of mobile solutions for the lines of business. The lines of business own their budgets and are used to working with external digital agencies for mobile solutions. In some cases, I’m told, “we have no requirement around mobility from the business,” and in others there’s even a parallel structure to IT that has been put in charge of the digital transformation.

  • The pros and cons of building location-aware mobile applications

    Dienstag, 5. August 2014

    Sure, a car navigation application needs to know a user’s location, but do all mobile applications really need to know location? Location services are now easily available on smartphones, and there is an increasing trend in applications wishing to get this information and use it in the mobile app, supposedly to provide an engaging user experience. However, capturing location has data and battery costs associated with it. So let us reflect on whether an application should really be designed in a location-aware manner.

  • No, mobile didn’t “change everything” for security

    Montag, 4. August 2014

    When I was a young pup in IT, I interviewed for a job with Powersoft (now Sybase).  During the interview process, I was told a number of times how the PowerBuilder client/server architecture was “changing everything.” And while there’s no denying that client/server did change the architecture, during that interview I wondered if changing everything was possible, and if so, was it always a good thing.

  • Three strategic steps to make mobile superheroes in your organization

    Montag, 4. August 2014

  • Maximize your mobile app security with IBM Worklight

    Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2014

    As mobile devices become the main communication channel for accessing the Internet, they also become very appealing to hackers, who can obtain personal and business data in one place. Security is not optional for mobile apps, even for those that are not transactional, as no app should become an entry point to a mobile device for a hacker.

  • I’m using social messaging apps for business—what about you?

    Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

    Social messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat are the best way to communicate nowadays. I personally use WhatsApp to communicate with my friends, family and coworkers.

  • Is mobile enterprise enabling a new lifestyle?

    Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014

    We’ve seen a boom of mobile devices and applications that have been developed for use in our personal lives and business environments. Have you thought about how these are changing our lifestyle? The mobile development solution war is here: companies are now battling to innovate the next mobile solution that will change our lives.

  • Big Numbers and The Internet of Things

    Montag, 28. Juli 2014

    There are a lot of Big Numbers associated with the Internet of Things (IoT) at the moment. Really Big Numbers.  Industry analysts and vendors are all keen to tell us just how big these numbers might get.