• WASdev

    The WASdev community is the place for developers to discuss, share, and learn about developing applications that will run on WebSphere Application Server.

  • API Management

    APIs are the fastest growing, business-influencing technology in the IT industry today. This API 101 doc provides an insight into the world of APIs, API economy and how APIs are transforming the businesses and industries.

  • IBM Impact Blog

    The official blog of the IBM Impact conference, sharing expert point of views on Application Integration and Middleware, Mobile, WebSphere and Cloud.

  • IBM MobileFirst

    Mobile Business Insights is an IBM-sponsored blog intended to provide you with thought-provoking content and a place to discuss significant issues. It is our hope that you will want to share some of the posts you read on this blog with your friends and peers. We feel that while this blog is not going to provide all of the final answers, it will give you an excellent starting point for conversations around mobile enterprise issues.

  • The new kid on the Blog: IT Rebellen - Plattform für Business orientierte IT-Macher

    Bei den IT Rebellen steht die Wirkung der Enterprise IT auf das Business im Mittelpunkt, nicht die Technologie. Im neuen Blog geht es um die neue Enterprise IT und ihre Macher, die das Business direkt beeinflussen: sei es durch die Entwicklung von Lösungen, die der Businessseite helfen, ihre Geschäfte schneller und effizienter zu erledigen, sei es durch Projekte, die digitale Geschäfte erst ermöglichen oder sei es durch Innovationen, die ganze Geschäftsmodelle verändern.

  • WebSphere Application Server Study Notes

    This weblog “WebSphere Library”, is collection of Joseph Amrith Raj own write-ups, study notes, tutorials, tips n tricks, videos, Q &A related to different WebSphere products like WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere MQ, WebSphere Mesage Broker, WebSphere Process Server etc.. It also includes references to articles from IBM site, DeveloperWorks, Global WebSphere Community as well as good sources of information related to WebSphere products.

    This blog, will be exclusively for WebSphere Application Server related topics.

  • IBM BlueBlog

    Das IBM Expertenblog zeigt die IT-Trends von morgen auf!

    Bloggende IBMer gibt es seit den Anfängen der Web 2.0-Bewegung. Viele IBMer suchen also bereits über Blogs die offene Diskussion mit anderen IT-Experten. Das IBM BlueBlog geht nun noch einen Schritt weiter: Es vereint die persönlichen Blogs und damit auch die Expertise der IBM Experten in einem Team-Blog.

    Im BlueBlog schreiben IBM Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter über ihre Gedanken und Ideen zu den Zukunftstrends in der IT – und das für jeden sichtbar im Internet!

  • Thoughts on Cloud Blog - Cloud Computing conversations led by IBMers

    Thoughts on Cloud is a collection of cloud computing conversations led by IBMers and sponsored by IBM. The goal of this site is to provide readers with a forum to discuss and debate various cloud computing topics. Our intention is to cultivate a dialogue, so we hope you’ll join the conversation and share some of the content you find here with your colleagues and friends. We don’t expect to answer all of the questions raised, but we look forward to thoughtful and lively discussions with the greater cloud computing community. All postings represent the opinions of the...

  • XebiaLabs Blog

    XebiaLab's flagship product, Deployit, is a market leading application release automation platform that is transforming how the Enterprise deploys applications onto middleware and cloud environments. Deployit gives you the power to automatically deploy applications in a single step and has proven to be the fastest and most cost effective way to deploy applications, particularly in complex multi-tier enterprise eco-systems. The product has been adopted by many large global brands where it allows innovative IT teams to release products faster and to run deployments more efficiently.

  • X-INTEGRATE - Integration Blog

    Dies ist das Unternehmens-Blog von X-INTEGRATE. X-INTEGRATE ist Spezialist für Business Integration Software auf Basis etablierter Methodik, offener Standards und IBM Middleware. Der Fokus liegt auf den Themen IBM WebSphere, Cloud und SOA.