Your users are speaking: Are you listening?

User feedback can make or break a business today. Negative app store ratings are as powerful as bad restaurant or product reviews—a few disapproving remarks is all it takes for consumers to move on to another brand or app. In fact, 79 percent of users would only retry an app once or twice before ditching it.

So what can you do to keep your users happy instead of letting your app become a relic of mobile app history?

Prioritizing quality from end to end

To continuously deliver top-quality mobile apps, you need to consider quality assurance at each and every step of the mobile application lifecycle. Automated and interactive testing, in-app bug reporting, crash analysis and user sentiment analysis all play a role in successful mobile development, helping companies to monitor, measure and improve app quality as they go.

Given users’ low tolerance for app failures, you can’t afford not to pay attention to what they have to say.

Give app users a voice

Once an app has been released to the app marketplace, user sentiment analysis is the digital marketing app owner’s best instrument for improving app quality. This is where you get the chance to hear real users’ opinions, attitudes, frustrations and more—all of which you can employ to help you prioritize changes and reach for that five-star rating.

When you only have a few online reviews, it’s not difficult to read each one, but what if your reviews are numbered in the hundreds or thousands? How do you glean insights that will help you set the right priorities for your mobile strategy? Enter IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance (MQA), a core service in the IBM MobileFirst Platform.

MobileFirst Quality Assurance is a hosted software-as-a-service capability that contains a full range of app-quality tools, including user sentiment analysis for sizable data sets. This capability in MQA helps line of business and development teams to capture and analyze user feedback from app store reviews, which can help them to answer questions like:

  • Are your users satisfied with the content?
  • Do they like the look and feel of the app?
  • Is it functioning well for them? Has it crashed or failed to launch?
  • Do they believe they are getting a good value from the app?
  • Are they confident in its security and privacy settings?

Don’t agonize—organize

IBM MQA organizes related reviews into clusters to help you easily acquire detailed information from user feedback. You can search for keywords in the reviews if you’re curious about a specific aspect of user sentiment. And if you want to look at trends in user opinion, MQA user sentiment analysis can display statistics over time as well.

According to the “Good Apps, Bad Apps” paper from Forrester Consulting:

Analytics is critical to gain a detailed understanding of both application performance and user behavior and then alter the application based on customer engagement need.

Trailblazing mobile enterprises build their mobile strategy based on a solid grasp of how well their apps works and what users want. MobileFirst Quality Assurance enables such companies to use analytics to evaluate app attributes like security, stability, satisfaction, performance, privacy, content, pricing, elegance, interoperability and usability and compare their apps to their competitors.

For more info, take a look at how MQA can help you improve mobile apps using sentimental analysis.

Let analytics shape your mobile strategy

MobileFirst Quality Assurance is part of a comprehensive app quality assurance strategy that operates during automated testing, during manual interactive testing and after release. Prioritizing quality throughout the application lifecycle means faster resolution of app issues and, ultimately, happier customers. What more could you want?

Register for a trial of IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance on Bluemix to give sentiment analysis a try.


The post Your users are speaking: Are you listening? appeared first on IBM Mobile.