Turning Your Private Cloud into an Automated Development Platform

Many organization have virtualization and private cloud initiatives running and are determining the next step.  On Oct. 24,  451 Research Senior Analyst Jay Lyman and Andrew Phillips, XebiaLabs Product Management VP will discuss how to take your private cloud to the next level  and learn how, by adding model-based application release automation and provisioning, you can transform your private cloud into a fully automated development and runtime platform.

The webinar will cover:

  • The latest market forecast
  • How and why to create a development and runtime platform
  • Steps to make it easier for developers to connect to your “private PaaS”
  • Ways to manage the scale and frequency of change of private cloud
  • Benefits of adding release automation to the build and provision mix to create a private PaaS

Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012
9 am PT | 12 pm ET | 6 pm CET

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