The Legend of Mobile Smarter Process: Transforming through Mobile Smarter Process

This post is Part 4 in a 5-part series on The Legend of Mobile Smarter Process.

If you are following the Legend of Mobile Smarter Process series, you've probably read Mobile Apps Are Not Enough. And if you are a real diehard, you have also read The Customer is King and Mobile Experience is the Differentiator. So, you probably realize that there may be something to this concept that it takes more than just a mobile app to really see the true value of mobile (I mean sure, putting a racing strip on my Geo Tracker made me look cooler…but it didn’t make it go any faster). You also understand that mobile is just like any other revolutionizing technology; you need to change your organization, your culture, your applications, your infrastructure, and your processes in order to take advantage of it.

That leaves you with one question: how do you go about making this change?

We have found that by combining Mobile and Smarter Process, you can transform how your organization works in order to take advantage of mobile technologies. For you to get the value you desire out of a mobile solution, you cannot treat mobile an add-on. It needs to be fundamental to your business operations. This means a radical simplification of every customer interaction, and it means leveraging mobile contextual opportunities to engage your customers in new ways. To make it very simple…Mobile Smarter Process is about re-thinking your processes to take advantage of mobile technologies, and embedding those technologies directly into your processes.

Mobile Smarter Process allows you to provide new personalized services, creating a culture of customer centricity that was not possible before. It allows your clients to interact with your organization when, where, how and as much as they want to. With mobile specific technologies such as geo-location and cameras, you can garner greater insight. Let me give you an example: if you know a customer’s location when they interact with your app or make a purchase from you, you can use that information to better target them for offers or recommendations. You can have them take pictures of products and use those to recommend additional services. It starts to be a two-way communication channel where information is exchanged and you start to understand better your customers behaviors.

It also allows you to empower your employees. No longer will your employees be tied to their desks; they have the ability not only to work more closely with clients, the but also to define how that work is executed, to make improvements, and to come up with new innovations to drive greater value and efficiencies. Think about how this could work.

Where for instance insurance agents could assess the damage done in an incident on the spot; they could fill out the forms, interview owners, and take pictures of the damage. With their mobile app tied to their processes tied to their systems they could even process the claim and authorize the payment. What used to take days and weeks can now be done in hours.

Lastly, it allows organizations to establish an ecosystem where new partners, new sensors, and new data can lead to the establishment of completely new experiences. This is about how we leverage the world around us through mobile. Using traffic cameras and sensors to help guide delivery driver through the most efficient route by connecting it to their GPS processes. Letting citizens report and take pictures of infrastructure damage such as broken sidewalks and using that information to prioritize and assign work crews to make the repairs. You can redefine their role, what they create, and the value they bring within that ecosystem.

This is done by the combination of mobile and process. Start by understanding your business objective of you mobile app. Identify which business processes it will need to align with in order to drive the maximum efficiencies. Examine and redesign those processes with goal of simplifying the overall experience and making it as easy as possible to go from start to value. Then ensure your process are integrated with you back-end systems so work can processed quickly and correctly.

Let’s take the example of an utilities IT service provider. They recognized that they needed to engage with their customers…to provide mobile billing, to conduct meter reading and to collect usage analytics. And they needed to provide better support to their own employees by providing them mobile access to the management and back office applications that run their business. While mobile is a key part of the solution, they realized that to get the full value out of the effort it is going to require a shift in how they do business. That shift in how business is performed is why they are implementing a Mobile Smarter Process solution.

That is the value of Mobile Smarter Process. It creates a process around your mobile interactions that is instant, seamless and insightful. By bringing them together….Mobile as the channel and Smarter Process providing the integration and operations, it allows organizations to be able to adapt their business at the speed of the marketplace.

To find out what this means to you and your organization, check out our final blog in a few days to see the conclusion of the Legend of Mobile Smarter Process series.  You can also catch up on other posts from The Legend of Mobile Smarter Process series here:

To go even deeper on Mobile Smarter Process, visit our Smarter Process and MobileFirst websites, or contact me via email, twitter, Linkedin or post a comment to this blog.