The Legend of Mobile Smarter Process - Part 2

Part 2

In Part 1 of “The Legend of Mobile Smarter Process” we talked about how the customer is king.  How everyone has a customer, be they external, internal, or even a partner in your ecosystem.  And how now, more than ever before, you need to treat them as an individual, you need to provide them the services they demand, and you need to be able to do it on their terms…when, where and the form they want it.  Because in today’s world that is what is going to differentiate you from your competition. 

But how do you do that?  How do your reach your customers not only when they think they want your services…but at that critical moment when they know they need your services immediately. 

Mobile.  Mobile, if not already, will soon be the primary way that not just organizations interact with people, but how everyone interacts with each other.  Look at the numbers…it is expected that by 2015 global mobile traffic will reach 6.3 exabytes per month (that is 6.3 followed by 17 zeros)[i]. And it is only going to grow from there. 

But everyone knows that mobile is the way of the now and besides your organization already has a mobile app.  Is it being used?  Is it delivering the experience that your customers demand?  80% of mobile apps are used once than deleted.[ii]  So all that effort, all those resources, and all that money you spent was downloaded, used once, and then thrown away.  And worse that that…you don’t even know why the individual deleted it?  Maybe they downloaded it on a whim.  Or worse still, maybe they had a bad experience with it.  Maybe it didn’t deliver the value they expected.  Now, all the effort, all the resources, and all the money you spent just had a negative impact on your brand.

Additionally, you missed an opportunity.  Every time an individual uses your mobile app you have an opportunity to learn more about them.  Their location, their behaviors, their likes and dislikes.  And with that information you can be “Johnny on the Spot” with offers, products and services.  64% of market leaders say the primary reason to invest in mobile is to serve customers better with faster response times.[iii]

So what does all of this mean?  It means to beat your competition, to deliver that result to your customers not when they think they need it, but when you are essential; then you need to provide them a personalized, superior, mobile experience. 

Want to learn how?  Check out my next blog in a few days to see how organizations are making this a reality.

To learn more visit our Smarter Process and MobileFirst website or reach out to your IBM representative.

Or contact me via email, twitter, Linkedin or post a comment to this blog.

[i] Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012-2017, Feb 2013

[ii] Digital Trends: Are you a rarity?  Only 16 percent of people will try out an app more than twice, by Joshua Pramis – March 12, 2013

[iii] Findings from the Institute of Business Value & Oxford Economics: Offer Insight into the practices of Mobile Leaders