How SAFe are your apps?



Contributor: Roger LeBlanc, DevOps Offering Manager, IBM

In today’s 24/7 “online all the time” world where there is an app for everything, how do you keep all of your systems running?

How quickly can you react to unexpected system performance degradation?

Can you monitor specific applications in production environments to proactively uncover and prevent the next big crisis?

How do you get all of these practitioners, experts and processes aligned to get production problems fixed quickly while keeping all systems stable?

Can the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) help?

If any of these questions sound familiar or resonate with what is important to you, you don’t want to miss this upcoming Google Hangout live panel discussion.  Come listen to these experts share their perspectives and insight.

We'll discuss how new technologies can help you proactively monitor and optimize the performance of your apps in production, and how roles are impacted in these new interactions. You'll walk away with a better understanding of how SAFe can help and where to start.

Be sure to join us on October 19th at 12:30 PM ET. Click here to register and submit your questions to our experts.

Leave us a comment with topics you'd like to see discussed, and questions you'd like to see addressed. If it's important to you, it's important to us. Don't come alone, bring a friend or a colleague!


Nik McCrory, IBM Special Events Infrastructure: New Technology & Integration Architect


Roger LeBlanc, DevOps Offering Manager, IBM

Richard Knaster, Principal Consultant, SAFe Fellow

Harry Koehnemann, Director of Technology, 321 Gang

Amy Silberbauer, Executive IT and Solution Specialist, SAFe and DevOps, IBM

Marianne Hollier, DevOps Solution & IT Specialist, IBM