Black Friday sales set a record this year, and its spillover onto mobile devices has shown no signs of slowing down. Early estimates of the one-day holiday shopping event show $3.34 billion in sales, a 21.6 percent increase from the year before, according to TechCrunch.
Mobile devices played a significant, and growing, role in that record mark. Sales on mobile devices accounted for $1.2 billion, more than one-third of Black Friday’s total spending and a 33 percent increase from 2015, according to numbers gathered by Adobe.
Retailers could tell early on that they were headed for record sales on the mobile front, with Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target and other retailers seeing increased activity early in the day. Amazon reported that its Thanksgiving Day sales — coming one day before Black Friday — eclipsed its sales numbers from 2015’s Cyber Monday.
Wal-Mart, meanwhile, reported that 70 percent of its overall website traffic came from mobile device — a stunning total that underscores mobile’s significant role in commerce.
Amid the across-the-board success for retailers everywhere, there were some interesting insights into how consumers use mobile devices. The biggest takeaway might be the low conversion rates on smartphones. Although smartphone conversions increased this year compared to 2015, its growth was outpaced by both tablets and desktops. Smartphone conversions were at 1.9 percent, well below tablets at 3.7 percent and desktops at 4 percent. This could hint at some lingering challenges consumers face when trying to complete transactions through smartphones compared to other digital channels, an issue retailers will want to address in the future.
Though the sales numbers are impressive, they managed to break records even amid evidence that consumers haven’t fully recovered from the dip in consumer activity that happened after the US election. Consumer spending hasn’t fully recovered, but it wasn’t depressed enough to hold back Black Friday from another landmark year.
Finally, it may be telling to identify some of the top-selling electronics products from this year’s Black Friday sales. iPads, 4K TVs and Macbook Airs ranked among the leaders, showing that mobile consumption is only going to increase with time.
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